{{ Nyketha Lyken }}


laughing nyketha painting and nyketha

Hello, I'm Nyketha! I'm a web developer, lover of memes, and recent graduate of the Web Development Immersive Course at General Assembly. I live in Northern Virginia and am a proud University of Richmond Spider Alumna (Go Spiders!). Before moving to Virginia in 2001, I lived in Guyana, a country located on the Atlantic Coast of South America.

I learned about coding through my love of writing. While running a blog on beauty and skincare, I found myself frustrated with not being able to tweak the blogs' website the way I wanted, and found an outlet for my creative ideas in the world of web development. Since then, I've found web development fits me like glove, harnessing my skills as a problem solver and naturally curious person.

As a passionate and energetic developer striving to enrich the lives of others through an out-of-the-box narrative, I've learned quite a bit about what the development process takes. I know the importance of thoroughly planning out your app before coding, critically thinking of what the app needs to do, the functions needed, and how they affect the user’s experience. I enjoy working in a team and collaborating on a web development project, there's nothing more beautiful than combining different perspectives and making it work as one.

My favorite part about coding and development is making my mark on the infinite canvas of the web. I love using my skills to make online experiences more pleasant, useful, and fun. Let's get together and I can show you what a bit of creativity and code can do to improve user experiences with your app!